jeudi 26 novembre 2009

Jenny Holzer at the Beyeler Foundation

I recommend the visit of the special exhibition of Jenny Holzer at the Beyeler Foundation in Basel (until 24 January 2010). It includes her texts from the late 1970s onward and important objects from her career from early 80 up to now. Paintings, sculptures and her renowned LED installations are provocative and make the visitor enter a different art dimension where texts in movement, images and objects interact. Room 11 in particular is worth visiting.

Coaching, Performance, Elegance

Dans le cadre de ma formation de coaching, j'ai rédigé un bref mémoire sur un sujet que j'ai trouvé orginal et que j'aimerais partager avec tous ceux qui s'intéressent au coaching. Je l'ai intitulé "Coaching élégant, coaching performant" et j'ai utilisé le tableau de Botticelli "Le printemps" comme metaphore du coaching. Je vous invite à decouvrir l'article: